Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Jane Jacobs, I love you. Sweet dreams.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

'Be Happy or You're a Loser'

Women in Science by Philip Greenspun.

Another article by the same guy - his reflections on Early Retirement.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Today's thought brought to you by T.... (thanks!)

An end result, imagined clearly and acted upon with
expectation, will always force the
circumstances necessary to bring about its own
manifestation, no matter how unpredictable, unlikely
or even impossible those circumstances may have
previously seemed.

Like clockwork,

The Universe

Monday, April 17, 2006

This goes under the 'interesting' file

To Believe or Not to Believe: That is the Question:

I have asked a lot of questions about Earth, religions and our history. Morenae has this really great way of mirroring
back my questions. One of the things that he mirrored back to me was a question regarding the history of a
particular religion. His response to that was "it is not so much what you believe in, but why you believe it." I have
had to look at that, and I've had to go back and look at all the belief systems I have. Are they really mine, or are
they something that I have been fed that I believe is true, and I am basing my perceptions on the idea that they
are or are not true? Another time, I was feeling depressed, and I had a contact and I decided I didn't want to come
back to Earth. I was made to come back, and I was very upset about that.

As I was walking away, Vissaeus looked at me and said, "Alex, the love that you withhold is the pain you carry." There
is not a day that goes by that I don't think about that - that I don't look at every decision I make and try to get
crystal clear about why I'm making that decision, and where that decision is coming from inside of me. Another
time, I was talking with Morenae and he asked me, Alex, when you are having a relationship, where does the love
come from? When you are having a relationship with your family, where does that love come from? When you are
having a relationship with the universe, where does that love come from? Well, the obvious answer is that it comes
from me, which is what I said to him. He turned back to me and asked me, why do you then believe you have a
shortage of love in your life? Again, it all goes back to belief systems. If they are right, we created all of this to
watch how our thoughts can create matter. So, in essence, everything is a belief system.

Space is the Place To Really See Your Face:

The Andromedans call our universe consciousness. They say that consciousness is the space that you create in
which to evolve. So in other words, to continue to evolve we had to create a space in which to do it. That is
physicality. There is a physicality on each and every dimension. Fifth density is not filled with "whispering clouds."
There is a genuine physicality to it. It's a lot different than what we have created here, but nevertheless it is still a


A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: Holographic Image Technology

They have a camera that they can take a picture and separate it out to get data all the way back to conception. Say I have a liver problem. They can go back and get the data relative to my healthy liver and project it holographically and heal the liver. This is holographic technology. It is literally me, healing myself. We have the same capabilities using our minds. The key is to open it up to the idea that everything that we record in our mind is recorded holographically. Every single thought is recorded holographically. When you are trying to create something in your
life, through your mediations, don't look at it the way you normally do. Move around it, behind it, on top of it, beneath it. Train you mind and subconscious to see it for what it really is. They say we have this ability - they need technology to do this, but we don't, because we have the benefit of already having been on 11th density.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

we all know [but/that] i like to say it again and again

"Only the good can be happy, and only the virtuous are good." - Aristotle

"Thoughts are causes, and conditions are effects. You become what you think about most of the time. It is the world inside of you that creates the conditions of your life." - Brian Tracy

Yeah, I'm on a roll with the motivational audio courses. And I'm drinking lots of water. I feel really good and virtuous.


From Publishers Weekly
[Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty! (Paperback) by F. Batmanghelidj, 2003]

The author, a physician trained in Iran (Your Body's Many Cries for Water), not only believes that drinking water is healthy, but makes extravagant claims for its curative powers. He recounts here how he first discovered the healing abilities of water, when he was a political prisoner more than 20 years ago. While incarcerated, he successfully treated with plain water the stress-induced peptic ulcers that afflicted some of his fellow prisoners. According to Batmanghelidj, most people rely on dry mouth to signal thirst and as a result are seriously dehydrated. He posits that symptoms like fatigue, anxiety or depression indicate dehydration, which may result in serious conditions such as asthma, hypertension, brain damage, cancer, constipation, allergies and obesity. In order to compensate for fluid lost through urination, respiration, and perspiration, Batmanghelidj suggests drinking a minimum of two quarts of plain water daily (not alcohol, caffeine beverages or juices). In order to maintain good health, he also advises ingesting half a teaspoon of salt to balance water intake. In addition, a diet consisting of 80% fruits and vegetables and 20% protein should be followed along with an exercise program.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Habit of Saving = Art of Living = Joy of Giving

If, at the end of the month, you have nothing more to show for your work than money for food and rent, then you are a slave. =D

"The only things that should matter in the end relate to how well did we live: what did we learn, how much did we laugh and play, and how much did we love. This is the real stuff of life." - Ernie Zelinksi

"What is missing in this sick society is emotional connection." - Mehran

"To give is to receive. There is no separation. When you give, you cannot lose anything; you gain what you give. To give is the only way to receive anything." - ACIM

I deposited a whole whack of tax refund and birthday money into my savings account today. Yay for me. Master of my universe. ;-)

Talked with my sister on the phone just now. We concluded that to share one's dreams with the world is unwise. One might as well cut one's legs and go swimming with the sharks. Do not tempt the instincts of animals. Feel like meeting with opposition and negativity? Share a happy thought with a stranger today, lol. Keep what you hold sacred close to you, but share with the world the happiness and joy that are the natural extensions and effects of your life's work and aim.

Okay, will do.

Smart Couples Finish Rich

"We are always getting ready to live, but not really living." - Emerson

"To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the best product of civilization." - Bertrand Russell

"Let Thrift Be Your Ruling Habit" - by Elbert Hubbard (I love this man.)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Be productive and make something that somebody wants. That is wealth.

Paul Graham:
Design and Research: The answer to the paradox, I think, is that you have to design for the user, "but you have to design what the user needs, not simply what he says he wants."

"Solve problems that users care about.... Really pay attention to making customers happy. How often do you walk into a store, or call a company on the phone, with a feeling of dread in the back of your mind? When you hear, 'your call is important to us, please stay on the line,' do you think, oh good, now everything will be all right?"

Napoleon Hill:
Your position is nothing more than your opportunity to show what sort of ability you have. You will get out of it exactly what you put into it -- no more and no less. A "big" position is but the sum total of numerous "little" positions well-filled.

Some men are successful as long as someone else stands back of them and encourages them, and some men are successful in spite of Hell! Take your choice.

It is that exceedingly rare quality that prompts -- nay, impels -- a person to do that which ought to be done without being told to do it. Elbert Hubbard expressed himself on the subject of Initiative in these words:
"The world bestows its big prizes, both in money and honours, for one thing, and that is Initiative.
"What is initiative? I'll tell you: It is doing the right thing without being told."

Sunday, April 02, 2006