Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thomas Szasz, paraphrased, "There is no such thing as mental illness. There are only varying degrees of irresponsibility."

Okay; he said it, not me.


This is true. I feel good when I take charge of my life. When I control emotions indirectly by working on important tasks, neurotic behaviour vanishes.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I was feeling tired yesterday, so Steve phoned and we hiked up Mount Seymour.

And took photos.

And then the sun went down and we ran down the mountain and Steve scratched his bare legs in the hard, deep snow and then he showed me how to identify Mountain Hemlock and it was fun and I talked like this because I had all the good energy flowing my way and then I ate curry rice with spicy tofu and broccoli plus two organic blueberry bars from Starbucks because they are so damn good.

Up there, I could hear my body. I could hear the quiet; I felt calm and clear. I felt alone and a touch of sadness; likely because I was alone, and that was sad. In a clearly good way. Calming. Okay now I'm just making fun of myself. Peace out.