Monday, April 04, 2005

Commuter biking, not communal biking

Damn it. I don't want to be biking to work in my sweaty sexy pants with tons of other sweaty bikers. Gotta get in kickass biking condition so I don't hold up the pack on the bike path. Groupie I ain't, unless sex is involved. Hmmmm... sweaty pile of bikers with healthy bodies. There's potential there. ANyway. Wonder what time I shall leave in the morning to make it to my showerless place of employment and still have time to clean up my increasingly strong (--hopefully not in odour--) body. It's a 10-mile stretch, uphill... oh I can hardly wait. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger... After making me weaker... But strength is perfected in weakness... Yeeuh huh. Some guy said so.

So I'm looking for a flashy jersey to wear so I don't get shmucked by a big truck whilst crossing the Burrard Street Bridge at Pacific. While that'd be pretty artwork, it's not part of my cool image... excuse me while I dance to some Pet Shop Boys... It's a Sin... Okay done. Gotta find some good biking clothes...

current mood: chipper

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