Saturday, December 31, 2005

sharing goals to remind me [SGTRM]

Self-Education in Learning languages

Wayne's Online Newsletter:
Educational Standards

Professional educators keep coming up with lists of what kids should learn and when they should learn it. They like setting standards and administering tests to make sure the standards are met.

Well, we know one things for sure, the present system isn’t working. The educator’s answer for that is to lower the bar by making the tests easier and encouraging teachers to teach to the tests.

Yes, there’s no question that kids can live better, more productive lives, if they learn to read. That’s about as fundamental as education can go…and we’re not doing it.

Hey, how about making it fun to learn how to read? And write? How about getting kids to do it because they enjoy it?

When I was seven and discovered the Oz books, I’d have loved to have a web site where I could tell others how much fun reading the Oz books was. And then the Tarzan books. And how much fun it was to find clay to mold of different colors in the ground in the woods behind the school. And going up in a plane with my dad. Or my visit to Lakehurst and seeing the Graf Zeppelin up close!

I like the Sudbury Valley School approach of letting kids learn what they want, when they, want, and because they want to. I just want to help make more educational resources available…and the promotion to get kids interested.

Screw standards. Every kid is different, so let’s stop this push to make them as much the same as we can. Meet standards. Let’s encourage kids to draw, paint, learn to play instruments, juggle, ride horses…and to write. And if geology, math, chess, psychology, and so on click with them, let’s allow them the freedom to follow their star. Let’s just make the resources easier to find. The true test is the end result, not an inflated grade so the teacher won’t look bad…and the kids will feel good.

Where is this book?: "The Children of the Law of One & the Lost Teachings of Atlantis" by John Peniel Excerpts from book.

Sometimes people need to be forced to be free. Push them off the edge. Sound. Attraction. Vibration. Entertainment. Education. Laws. Paradox. Typing to remind myself later, of what I feel now. Languages. Hidden Meaning. Teaching to Learn. Directing knowledge, is Power. Create the conditions, form the environment. Surround yourself with the in-formation of what you desire. Be soul now.

Short term goals: while in school for advanced electronics / sound design / whatever I attract that is the highest expression of my potential, I
- live in a beautiful studio apartment where I am happy and do my work and live healthy principles
- study languages and timeless ancient wisdom
- use sound to invoke the body's own healing
- photograph and make art for my walls
- invite friends over for organic meals that I am wonderful at preparing ;-)
- read everyday. even while in the midst of my rigorous studies which discipline my mind to ensure the effectiveness and clarity of my communications
- express myself clearly and for reasons aligned with highest intentions for growth/evolution/fun
- smile in the morning when I wake up. Say a little prayer for youuuuu
- listen to good music. Read what stimulates my mind to act in ways that are consistent with my highest ideals. Live my principles of kindess. Random acts of beauty and all zhatttt.
- bike for transportation and exercise; -- my bike being almost as lean and sexy as my body. ;-0 Yes.
- appreciate the so much love that is my life and friends and loved ones and people and beings and all the lessons and fun we all create together (or that i create when i feel like going into my room for a week of meditation where i do not accept phone calls or e-mails or telepathic messages. or wait, yes i do accept the latter; while in meditation i am tuned in to the ONE. so yes, telepathic messages permitted. oh, that reminds me -- no phone for me. no cell phone. (next thing i know, i will have a cell phone. no, thanks.)
- have paid-off all student loans in their entirety. i am financially independent and i choose wisely in which direction and to which ends to direct the abundant manifestations of money and resources that gracefully flow to and through me to fulfil the purposeful needs of myself and others. i develop and apply my gifts and at the same time, encourage others to develop theirs and to know and live their joy. all happens in the right way at the right time. lots of fun!
- earn lots of money using my gifts (big boobs. or my synthesizing mind and impeccable taste in beauty and value and all sides of the sideless) to enrich my life and the lives of others. i live comfortably and use money as a tool to live the fun life of effective communication. and to travel to remote places to know and study languages and texts and knowledge and to meet interesting people whom i help on their journeys and whom help me on my journey. i disseminate collected knowledge in books and glances and use knowledge to serve the highest goals of kindess and responsibility for my world. i use my money and resources to help others to think for themselves and to choose what is beautiful. money serves to enable me to focus on highest goals, some of which include teaching others to educate themselves, and to enjoy the gifts of their beingness. god i sound strange. good.
- make beautiful things and think beautiful thoughts and make generous fun of myself in an accepting way whilst doing so
- thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
- go to ontario in jan.-feb. to test myself and to serve the looooove
- wear professional-sonya-comfortable clothing and colours that reflect the person i am and want to express
- care for an animal companion. dog or cat. horse on my country estate.
- am loveable and loving and playful and faithful! woohoo! i am the person i want to love. (i have forgotten whether the proper spelling is 'lovable' or 'loveable'.. i'll go for both.) and i have a kickass sense of humour (aptly named - often my humour kicks me in the ass; fun!)
- attract into my life everything i need that helps me to give more love and express the fire inside. (i love saying, 'fire inside.' fiery lions. i mean loins. no, lions.
- love you all. you have no idea how much i love you. in a safe way. in a safeway. if i see you in a grocery store, you will feel the love from a safe distance and smile.
- write short stories and notes to uplift and remind and provoke. i write pertinent words that resonate with the chords of love. hahaa. um. i write to entertain and to free the locks that hold the veil of maya in place. okay, i write when i feel like writing and when i have something more to say that is smiley and affirming of the good stuff. and edgy.
- be and do what my soul screams, "YES" to...

now i am dancing in my room and lee is taking pictures! yes, this has never happened before, clothed.

oh, i shaved my legs in preparation for tonight's festivities:

haaah. hmmm.

when in doubt, read the disclaimer atop this site.

Random House

TV Violence Researcher Dies

Sweet Science of Stories

Alice Munro Interview

Philip K. Dick

A speech published in the collection I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (see above). Available online [1].

* Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups...So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.

* The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.

* Science Fiction writers, I am sorry to say, really do not know anything. We can't talk about science because our knowledge of it is limited and unofficial, and usually our fiction is dreadful.
From Wikipedia's entry on Philip K. Dick

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It's like that, and that's the way it is.

I wonder how many times the movie ticket collector guy has had this exchange:

Ticket guy: "Thank you and enjoy the show."

Movie-goer: "Thanks, you too!"

Hmm -- how many times? Um, well, at least as many times as I've been to the cinema.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Or, maybe these people are smart enough to know when they are full of it.

oh, look -- it moves!

According to Nietzsche, all interpretations are like sand-castles at the seashore; they are meant to be created and then destroyed, held for a time and then replaced by others, not fixed into the hard cement of "dogmas" or "systems." Nietzsche is a great critic of systems, although he understands the basic human tendency to build systems as well as the basic human tendency to seek shelter in systems, though their permanence is artificial and their solidity is illusory. Life is seemingly ... transitory, and humans are constantly tempted to seek refuge in doctrines, philosophies, etc. that have the semblance of "justice" and stability.
- this guy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"The denial of natural inclinations -- the denial of life -- is the sickness of modern civilization."

Allergy Clearing, DNA Activation and Autoimmunity - Sol Luckman: "I firmly believe the root cause of these autoimmune illnesses is genetic damage through factors such as vaccines compounded by cellular toxicity.... Potentiation employs particular combinations of sounds embodying healing intentions that are remotely transmitted to the recipient's DNA, initiating a domino effect of electromagnetic repatterning designed to reset the body’s bioenergy fields to proper harmonic functioning. This is done without altering the individual's basic DNA by simply activating a genetic potential that already exists."

[see also Buddhist Healing and Sanskrit Sutras - mantras imbedded with intention]

Jeremy Narby

Sound, Intention & Genetic Healing
- Sol Luckman: "Recalling Edgar Cayce's prediction that 'sound would be the medicine of the future,' Jonathan Goldman in HEALING SOUNDS: THE POWER OF HARMONICS coined the following inspirational formula: sound + intention = healing. If we define intention as a form of conscious light energy roughly equivalent to thought, an idea consistent with many shamanic traditions such as that of the Toltecs of Mesoamerica, we can translate Goldman's formula as: SOUND + LIGHT = HEALING."

I read "Health and Light" by John Ott. Check out this online article too - 'The Role of Light in Health'

ADD and Hyperactivity Success - More of the same info about importance of clean and sound food.. full-spectrum lighting.. (common sense).

Semiotics - Daniel Chandler: "To me, the most important thing is that it helps us not to take the everyday for granted; it helps us to look more closely at those things which we take as being commonsense and requiring no comment. It helps us to look for absences, to look for those things which are either notable by their absence, as we say, or which go without saying, for which we also have a phrase. It helps us to unpack the conventions that are involved in order to realise that convention is involved and that news or photographs are not simply reflections of a world, but are a way of building a particular view of the world."

Pay attention to your words. Know their names; meanings; histories.

Do I stay or do I go.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Coal for minors.

Today at work: Ukrainian man, 41, says to me, "Young girls are naughty!"

He proclaims this bit of experiential (?) wisdom at an awkward stop in our friendly conversation. We are alone in the room. I am turned toward the fume hood, holding some scissors and my breath; he is clutching at some plastic sealant tape and his remaining shreds of dignity.

What's even better is that he repeats the line twice; the first time I don't quite catch (or believe) what he's said: -- "Pardon? What's not 'E'?"

I think that maybe he is talking about some physics equation I've missed, or maybe some cool new tissue culture lingo the gang'd discussed at Friday's morning meeting that I'd skipped: "Sonya, that's not 'E'. Like, that's not kosher in the lab. Stop drinking the ethanol."

Seconds before, we had been talking easily about life goals and happiness and doctors and his ichthyology toxicology Master's Thesis and hiking to see mountain views. Now we are dancing around teetering mountains of titular flesh. I want to laugh but the tension (all in my mind) is too good to relieve just yet. I want to drag this out, because it's a Tuesday and I've been sitting in a small room transferring exacum for 4 hours straight, listening to country radio (country radio every day at work -- I swear that explains why I had the idea of 'move to Calgary' implanted in my brain). So I sit and drag out the silence..

And I sit, drawing this out. The silence draws more attention to the last words uttered. I love this. I am naughty. I feel a bit evil, as though I am neglecting my duty to bail out a fallen comrade. Yes, he's gone overboard; but I can throw him a lifeline and risk going over myself, to level the playing field -- reveal something about myself to balance this vulnerable little friendship we have forged out of wood. Hard, smooth wood. Ew, I am stopping now. I made reference to wood simply as a device to illustrate that our friendship is an organic, growing relationship that contours 'round obstacles and absorbs barbed wire fence. No, not exactly. I don't remember where I am going with this.

I sit some more and continue my delicate transfers, my smile cracking wider and faster than my calm exterior. I think to myself that perhaps at any moment he will jump the desk and take me Casanova style, right there amongst the plant media and sterilized forceps. But, alas! I mean, Thank God! No, he does not. He laughs, embarrassed for saying something usually reserved for an intimate friend or drinking buddy -- not for a casual co-worker with stylin' 80s-esqe holes in back of jeans.

I revel in the theoretical embarrassment that this situation brings (to people other than ourselves; we are too cool and lacking in pretense to get caught up in protocol and appropriate lab subject matter -- heck, we talk about immigration policy in the midst of an international university, for frik's sake). I wonder whether he is awaiting some thoughtful response from me (shall I agree? "Yes, young girls are naughty.. wink wink.").

Maybe I'll say something to ease his racing mind. Maybe I'll play it off, because it's not a big deal. Maybe I'll make it a big deal, because again, it's a Tuesday and I'm amusing myself at the expense of another. Hehe, no. But what is an appropriate response to such an assertion? -- "Excuse me, but could you please clarify? Do you mean, naughty, as opposed to nice? Or naughty, as in kinky kink-kink?" I sit and bite my tongue. Really, no good can come of this.

And no good comes of this. I look up at his face, my eyes searching for guidance. My expression is questioning, but I can tell that I suck at conveying the facial expression of 'questioning', and I instead appear only to be in love with him. Damnit. And then I come home and write this in my blog, and hug my pillow and listen to Dion & the Belmonts.

Monday, December 12, 2005

(Things to do on a rainy day to figure out what the hell you're doing with your life.)

Find your Gifts and Talents Guidebook pdf

Goal Setting

Basic Life Skills

Your Potential

Potent. Balance - Embrace the masculine energies within to create what you imagine. Embody (masculine) the vision (feminine). Use your power by uniting the complements within. Thinking and doing.

(That seemed brilliant to me at the time.)

Friday, December 09, 2005

(An example of What the first posting after a few days' hiatus from blogging, should not be):

"Yes everyone, that's right; I have been out stalking for the past few days."

I have been stalking myself. Watching my thoughts, memorizing my likes and dislikes.

I like routine; I like having structure to my day, if for no reason other than that limits give me something to rebel against. A focus. A point of reference. In order to exist, I need my opposite. I can find that opposition within myself, or I can look for it out there, and I've done that, and it ain't no happy ride. So, within it is. Woohoo.

Okay, I am doing these self-help sheets like there's no tomorrow. Except, there had better be a tomorrow, or why would I be putting forth such an effort today? Oops I'm late; will be back later to discuss this with myself.

Monday, December 05, 2005

From the files

Notes scribbled down in my papers from many sources, some of which are noted. Health is all about becoming whole = open connections to all parts. So I'll say that to heal is to become conscious of interconnection. Of self. Puttin' it alll together. In systems theory (and I argue with some of the conclusions drawn about energy in systems. Well my beef's with semantic definitions really, and also I make things up as I go -- but that's another entry), closed systems are subject to entropy and cannot exist for long (tendency to disorder. "All processes in closed or isolated systems have increasing entropy.") Physical things die and break. But open systems are self-organizing and enduring. Soooo keep your link to the energy source open. You are not alone. Keep open to the loveeee.. I love applying concepts out of context. BUT. Everything IS connected and Spirit is in all things. (Know this.)

Simoneton: 'if human nerve cells can receive wavelengths they must also be transmitters: senders and receivers must be able to enter into resonant vibration with each other in order to pick up a transmission.' Lakhovsky likened the system to two well-tuned pianos: when a note is struck on one it will cause the same note to vibrate on the other.

Water is capable of being 'vitalized' [radiant] by association with minerals, human beings, or plants. Bovis and Simoneton's thesis: human beings should eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, and fresh fish that give off radiations higher than the 6,500 Angstrom units (of healthy human being) if they wish to energize themselves and feel healthy. They believe that low-radiance foods, such as meats and bad bread, instead of bringing vitality to the body, sap the body of its existing vitality and that is why one can feel heavy and devitalized from a meal one expected to replenish one's energy.

'Thought is a food.' We don't eat food, but energies. Everything is frequency: hv=mc[superscript 2]

To heal: flood the body with beautiful vibrations.

Rupert Sheldrake, plant physiologist: theorizes that the universe functions not so much by immutable laws as by 'habits' -- patterns that have been created by the repetition of events over time. According to this hypothesis, organizing fields, called morphogenetic fields, serve as blueprints for form and behaviour. In other words, once a pattern of behaviour is manifested, it becomes easier for others in that species to perform that same behaviour through what is called morphic resonance (pg. 98, Sound Health)

Music and sound may be used as sources of energy and as a way to correct energy imbalances in the body and mind. (Sound Health)

Conditioning: Behavioural learning process wherein even subtle rewards or reinforcement, such as suggestions from someone we respect, can promote the conditioning process. Simoneton suggests to terminal cancer patients that the patients' healthy cells can attack and destroy the cancerous ones. This approach is based on the theory that every cell in the body is able to respond to mental suggestion. (pg 132)

What clinical research is demonstrating about the human self-regulating system is the ancient adage that ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT. If the desired result is thought of, imaged, or affirmed, energy seems to be attracted to the healing process and the result is accomplished sooner.

"De La Warr realized that the real key to getting plants to flourish was simply asking them to do so." (secret life of plants, 359)

From the History and Power of Mind by Richard Ingelese:
Every individualized part is a magnetic centre. So, your duty to yourself and to Deity is to become a positive centre; and the higher your rate of vibration the more powerful do you become. You must be strong and then whatever you undertake will end successfully... So it is that men become vortices in this great magnetic sea of consciousness, and according as they become positive and strong do they draw to themselves whatsoever they desire. But we cannot help others until we become strong ourselves. We must have force before we can impart it to others. We must know before we can teach. (pg. 38-9)

Sun: lightwaves/vibrations from the sun are the strongest, the most powerful and the most magnetic that come to us from any source. (pg 42)

When a person or any other individualized consciousness concentrates its thoughts upon the sun it receives a mental and a magnetic treatment from that great centre, since the concentration of thought opens a direct channel for the great force to flow through to the one concentrating upon it, and the vibrations both mental and physical of that person or creature are raised in proportion to the intensity of its powers of concentration. (pg 42)

Divine mind is precisely analogous to a sensitive plate, and each human thought makes a picture on that plate. By thought you make the exposure, and the thing pictured will in time become your own, for you are attached to your creations and time develops the picture for you. If you hold the image you have made long enough you will get a perfect picture; if you think idly, then you have made what photographers would call an underexposure and the picture is not full, clear, and perfect, and many of the details are left out; but by holding the picture firmly and strongly, you make is a permanency and then it is yours, for thoughts become things.

Mental pictures are first mental things, but after a time they become physical things or draw physical things to them, for the great Consciousness gives back to us precisely what we have sent into it.

It gives to us whatever we ask of it, and our ignorance in making demands will be no protection to us. The only way that evolution can go on is by Divine Mind granting every request that we persistently make; it is in this way we gain wisdom through experience. (pg 43)

Consciousness is limited in its manifestation by the medium or media through which it manifests; for an illustration, take the consciousness of a flower, an animal, and a man. There is a limitation of the expression in each of these, by reason of the form in which it manifests. And consciousness also accentuates the peculiar nature through which it manifests. It accentuates that particular portion of the Universe, or planet, or man, in which it manifests.

Evolution --> select highest expressions.

Rosicrucian stuff:

Love is the basis of the healing art.

Lessing the Wise: "What have I then to neglect? Is not the whole of eternity mine?"

Paracelsus: "If you want to help people, the Spirit and the Truth will lead and guide you!"

Hans Heinrich Ehrler: "I believe that a man can become so good and loving that he can heal the sick"

Old Rosicrucian motto: "Follow Nature! Follow Nature! As she works so will I work!"

Friday, December 02, 2005

"If you're going through hell, keep going." ~Winston Churchill

"We acquire the strength we have overcome." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Enduring habits I hate.... Yes, at the very bottom of my soul I feel grateful to all my misery and bouts of sickness and everything about me that is imperfect, because this sort of thing leaves me with a hundred backdoors through which I can escape from enduring habits." ~Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 1882

"Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are." ~Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

"You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you." ~Walt Disney

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There is no education like adversity." ~Disraeli

"Sleep, riches, and health to be truly enjoyed must be interrupted." ~Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, Flower, Fruit, and Thorn

"Smooth seas do not skillful sailors make." ~African Proverb

"Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Maxims and Reflections

"Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive." ~Josephine Hart

"God brings men into deep waters, not to drown them, but to cleanse them." ~John Aughey

"Everybody ought to do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice." ~William James

"Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us." ~Rainer Maria Rilke

"Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave." ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Adversity quotes page.


I'm deleting everything on my harddrive that is no longer a reflection of me at this time. Sure, I might be a bit "delete happy' and erase things I still like, but better to err on the wild side of freedom than to be caught with a folder full of Mariah Carey hits.

Release release cry smile heal fun. RRCSHF. (I'm feeling a little abbreviated in the midst of this whirlwind of change.)

Oh! Found some descriptions closer to my heart's ideal: Romantic Friendship. Friendship. Boston marriage, hah.

Anglo-American Romantic Friendship

“Perfectly respectable Victorian women wrote to each other in terms such as these: ‘I hope for you so much, and feel so eager for you… that the expectation once more to see your face again, makes me feel hot and feverish.’ They recorded the ‘furnace blast’ of their ‘passionate attachments’ to each other… They carved their initials into trees, set flowers in front of one another’s portraits, danced together, kissed, held hands, and endured intense jealousies over rivals or small slights… Today if a woman died and her son or husband found such diaries or letters in her effects, he would probably destroy them in rage or humiliation. In the nineteenth century, these sentiments were so respectable that surviving relatives often published them in elegies…”

-- Stephanie Coontz, The Way We Never Were [66]

“[In the 1920’s] people’s interpretation of physical contact became extraordinarily ‘privatized and sexualized,’ so that all types of touching, kissing, and holding were seen as sexual foreplay rather than accepted as ordinary means of communication that carried different meanings in different contexts… It is not that homosexuality was acceptable before; but now a wider range of behavior opened a person up to being branded as a homosexual...The romantic friendships that had existed among many unmarried men in the nineteenth century were no longer compatible with heterosexual identity; old frontier habits of sharing beds or ‘rolling up together around campfires to keep each other warm’ were ruled out of bounds. Increasingly, either genital sex between men or careful physical and emotional distancing ‘crowded out more sublimated erotic relations’ and replaced more nuanced male friendships.”

-- Stephanie Coontz, The Way We Never Were [195]

“These women [in the United States before 1900] had no difficulty in distinguishing sentimental gesture from true romantic friendship. When … they told each other, ‘I love you,’ they meant precisely that. When they wept for sorrow or joy at the loss or the return of the beloved friend, their tears were real… Their language and behavior are incredible today: Thus such friendships are usually dismissed by attributing them to the facile sentimentality of other centuries, or by explaining them in neat terms such as ‘lesbian,’ meaning sexual proclivity. We have learned to deny such a depth of feeling toward any one but a prospective or an actual mate. Other societies did not demand this kind of suppression.”

-- Lillian Faderman, Surpassing the Love of Men [84]

“[I]f women on a large scale now had no hindrance in their freedoms, they might find kindred spirits, other women, and provide homes and solve the problem of loneliness for each other. For the first time, love between women became threatening to the social structure.”

-- Lillian Faderman, Surpassing the Love of Men [238], referring to Boston marriages

“friendship, n. … 2. the highest degree of intimacy.”
-- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, 1755 From this site

Some words of others I had saved in a file but wanted to delete. So I saved them here (hmm, does that count? :-p).

"I am that which I think myself to be."

Ideals are reflected to us from the unseen spirit. The laws of matter and spirit are not the same. One can be broken, but not the other. To the extent that ideals are kept is your future assured.

It was never intended that man should suffer. He has brought it upon himself by disobeying the laws of nature. He knows them so cannot plead ignorance. Why does he break them? Because he does not pay attention to those ideals flashed to him from the Infinite Spirit.

Life is but one continuous unfoldment, and you can be happy every step of the way or miserable, as you please; it all depends upon how we entertain those silent whisperings that come from we know not where. We cannot hear them with mortal ear, but from the silence they come as if they were dreams, not to you or me alone, but to everyone. In this way the grandest thoughts come to us, to use or abuse. So search not in treasured volumes for noble thoughts, but within, and bright and glowing vision will come to be realized now and hereafter.

You must give some hours to concentrated, consistent, persistent thought. You must study yourself and your weaknesses.

- Theron Q. Dumont

* As soon as the love relationship does not lead me to me, as soon as I in a love relationship do not lead another person to himself, this love, even if it seems to be the most secure and ecstatic attachment I have ever experienced, is not true love. For real love is dedicated to continual becoming.

* It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.

* One does not fall 'in' or 'out' of love. One grows in love.

* Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

* We need not be afraid to touch, to feel, to show emotion. The easiest thing in the world is to be what you are, what you feel. The hardest thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don’t let them put you in that position.

* We need others. We need others to love and we need to be loved by them. There is no doubt that without it, we too, like the infant left alone, would cease to grow, cease to develop, choose madness and even death.

L Buscaglia


Giving good head. The best part of the article is this line: "if you can design something that gives pleasure, you've got a business just waiting to happen." There. No need to read the rest. But you will click on the link anyway, won't you...

My mind is making sense to me again. Welcome home, marbles.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Saturn trine Sun. Burning hot and burning slow.

This morning I got up early, felt excited and donned the layers of ridiculous-looking clothing that only cyclists can get away with wearing. (I love the unspoken acceptance of the standard creativewear of the commuting cyclist: the tights under long shorts and maybe some bright socks worn over the bulging pant piece tucked in at the ankle. Tres Sexy. Secretly I like it, except my fashion sense was 'commuter cyclist' before becoming one, soo....)

Shout-out to my sister

stop when amber flashing
Oh, they always do; they always do.