Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"The denial of natural inclinations -- the denial of life -- is the sickness of modern civilization."

Allergy Clearing, DNA Activation and Autoimmunity - Sol Luckman: "I firmly believe the root cause of these autoimmune illnesses is genetic damage through factors such as vaccines compounded by cellular toxicity.... Potentiation employs particular combinations of sounds embodying healing intentions that are remotely transmitted to the recipient's DNA, initiating a domino effect of electromagnetic repatterning designed to reset the body’s bioenergy fields to proper harmonic functioning. This is done without altering the individual's basic DNA by simply activating a genetic potential that already exists."

[see also Buddhist Healing and Sanskrit Sutras - mantras imbedded with intention]

Jeremy Narby

Sound, Intention & Genetic Healing
- Sol Luckman: "Recalling Edgar Cayce's prediction that 'sound would be the medicine of the future,' Jonathan Goldman in HEALING SOUNDS: THE POWER OF HARMONICS coined the following inspirational formula: sound + intention = healing. If we define intention as a form of conscious light energy roughly equivalent to thought, an idea consistent with many shamanic traditions such as that of the Toltecs of Mesoamerica, we can translate Goldman's formula as: SOUND + LIGHT = HEALING."

I read "Health and Light" by John Ott. Check out this online article too - 'The Role of Light in Health'

ADD and Hyperactivity Success - More of the same info about importance of clean and sound food.. full-spectrum lighting.. (common sense).

Semiotics - Daniel Chandler: "To me, the most important thing is that it helps us not to take the everyday for granted; it helps us to look more closely at those things which we take as being commonsense and requiring no comment. It helps us to look for absences, to look for those things which are either notable by their absence, as we say, or which go without saying, for which we also have a phrase. It helps us to unpack the conventions that are involved in order to realise that convention is involved and that news or photographs are not simply reflections of a world, but are a way of building a particular view of the world."

Pay attention to your words. Know their names; meanings; histories.

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