Friday, May 16, 2003

song lyrics that make me giggle

the murmurs - you suck. "right now there's dust on my guitar you fuck, and it's all your fault. yeah, you terrorized my mind, and for that you suck, uh hooo." 'you suck' was the first song i had ever heard from this band. the song was so shitty that i was moved by its shittiness, listened to it nonstop, and ended up developing an unhealthy attachment, and dare i say it, a queer affection for it, something like the responsibility i would feel for a three-legged dog that followed me to the lake, or for a fireant hill on the far corner of my summer cottage property. don't kill it! don't kill it!

helium - hole in the ground. "there's a lot of things i'd like to do, there's a lot of things i'd like to do. boy -- one of them's not you."

the geraldine fibbers - dragon lady. "got some satisfaction from lifting up your dress. a slap in the face is worth a hundred words." i like this entire song.

fifth column - imbecile. "don't get me wrong, it's just a goddamned song, words and music only two minutes long. don't get me wrong; so what? you're a freak, like everybody else... a demi-god would never laugh as loud as you." i heard this one on the radio one night and it made me laugh. the second time i heard it i didn't like it as much, but i still listen to it twenty times a day.

mecca normal - ice floes aweigh. "my dad asks is there anything i'd like to know, like before he dies, anything i'd like to ask? i ask, 'dad, where'd your dad come from?' but what i'd really like to know is, 'why'd you throw that huge glass of chocolate milk at me when i said i was moving out, at 17? and did either of you read my last book? and why'd you tell people you're going to kill the guy in the trailer next door?'"

mary timony - the dryad and the mule "...checking out my friends, like, are you cruel? am i a mule?"

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