Wednesday, March 01, 2006

home is where the heart is in my chest

um, so i can live here for march, and then come april, share the place with a non-english-speaking person whom may or may not try to kill me in my sleep; or, i can move somewhere else. anyone want to go to new zealand?

the building manager has found a tenant FOR us, for this apartment. nice. yesterday, he and the new eager to cleave her beaver tenant guy showed up. the new no-speaky-engly guy seems all right, but looks a little too happy at the thought of rooming with a girl. suspicious. and he looks typically croatian. i don't know what that means. he looks tall and dark and scary but smiles a lot. i don't mind so much, but jumpei (current roommate who is moving out soon) is telling me, "i don't know about that guy. he might not be safe. i would not want you to stay here with him."

it's cute, really.

it's alarming how laid back i am about this development. i find it exciting! i go for walks to the beach in the daytime, the wind throwing me all over the street, my body close to tears of pleasure and pain. and then i think of hobbes and his, "all that motivates are appetites and aversions." and i wonder which motivates more... depends on personality. i would work harder to attain something, than to avoid something. i feel alive again; the threat of losing one's life does that to a person.

hah, i joke. i want to see if my mom reads this and calls me. it's been a few days, mom. call. hear my voice before my voice on the answering machine as killer does his work is the last sound you hear from me. but on the bright side, you could replay it over and over and think of me and regret my wasted singing career. i gots a good pair o' lungs. check out the coroner's report for pics.

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