Monday, March 06, 2006

Immune to your charms

"I finally realised the fact the only thing that would keep me healthy was a functional immune system." - Eve Hillary

Today's Craft Project: How to care for your immune system.

Go for a walk outside.
Feel the air we share.
Laugh out loud.
Smile at everything.
Relax a lot.
Stretch your back.
Smell a flower.
Kiss and hug.
The flower.
Use your brain to make up a convincing-sounding story to the few bold people who actually stop to ask about why you're hugging and kissing a flower.
Go home and relax in the knowledge that you have facilitated public discussion and community-building by exercising your body and sense of beauty and creativity and humility.
Cry for no reason, and then cry for the reasons that come up. Oh, and come up they will. Like spring flowers.
Think about someone who really loves you. Think about how many times you've really fucked up. Cry again. See? This is fun.
Think strange thoughts that normally would not slip past your unconsious censors:
You are going to die tomorrow. Now what?
You're talking to the flower that you have plucked in your haste to hide the evidence of your insanity. The flower is already plucked and dead, but it won't look dead to the world until tomorrow. It has time to do more things while looking alive. And it does look alive, so its effect is the same.
You are sane, and those who misunderstand, like to play with the sane to catch a glimpse of the sane secret. To be sane.
The secret is to smell flowers when and where you want to smell flowers.
You plucked the flower and ended its life. This is fine for the flower. The flower gave you some love. You felt good smelling the flower. Next time, maybe you can leave the flower to grow, and it can grow love in some other sane people's hearts. And nose.
You know what the flower is.
Take with you what the flower nose is.

Oh yes, immunity. For your immune system to function properly, give me lots of money and believe everything you read except what doesn't fit your experience.
Dr. Sonya.
Ph.D Micrographology

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