Saturday, March 04, 2006


situation normal

Well, I'm leaving this apartment at the end of the month. I am happy. I am happy either way, hah! But this way, in a way, is more exciting. More adventures into the unknown. Sure, every moment is unknown, but when you REALLY know that someone else is renting out your place, and you have to either leave your living quarters, or room with a non-speaky-english guy, at that point you KNOW you aren't going to be here in a month; which means for sure you don't know where you're going to be. I understand what I'm saying.

So the new guy wants to show prospective roomies this apartment and wants me to be here everyday at a certain time, to let him in to bring people through the place. I think that this request, though reasonable and understandable, is somewhat bullshit. I am renting here for the month of March. I do not want to be here everyday at an agreed upon time (6 pm) just so he can show someone how wonderful is the place in which I will not be living. Is my thinking out of line? I can't tell anymore.

It's really not a big deal to just stay and live with him. But. I think at some level -- the level that makes all my decisions -- I want to leave, even though this place is located in the best spot in Vancouver. And close to Davie Street. And close to my favourite fast-food sushi place. And close to my favourite organic grocery store. And close to everything. And close to everyone. Fuck.


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